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Gathers Vxd 055c Manual Dexterity

Full text of 'S/ (A.VfUAISVVXJL'ffc.^dj^'^ VroUv^- ( b.' A.nc.J rob-WK^) ucJ^o^rJ^rrO^^. ( ^^ 01).2Ghs§LJtdU-CL^. O5.rHXITluiA^xx.-^ 5^ b, V &,V, y-5^.AJO-SJboj^ ^W^ SOka^-i. ^ S.o-Orvo^^A^^jU^. V, and $200 more were pledged on thespot. This Is a good start, and thousandsare expected from concerted action on thepart of New England women.

On motionof Mrs. Livermore it was voted to cable anannouncement of the Faneuil Hall meetingto Queen Victoria, and a request that sheAuse her influence to help the Greek womenand arouse practical interest in them amongthe women of England. If anybody in Mas-sachusetts is not appealed to through anyorganization before Saturday night let her(or him!) send or carry the quarter, or thedollar, or the tens or hundreds of contribu-tions direct to Kidder, Peabody & Co., bank-ers, Devonshire street, Boston, for the Greekwomen's fund.SATURDAY, MAY 8. 1897.Many Institutions May Receive HandsomeSuniR.By the will of the late John Ruggles ofBrookline provision has been made where-by several prominent institutions may even-tually receive sums of considerable amount.The will was filed yesterday in the NorfolkProbate Court at Dedham, and after dis-posing of some property by means of pri-vate bequests, the testator leaves the resi-due of his estate to his wife, Mary LouisaRuggles. If at her death there be any of thesaid property or the proceeds thereof not dis-posed of at that time, it is provided that itshall be given as follows: To the Mass.General Hospital, to be used for the JohnRuggles fund for free beds, $10,000; BostonYoung Men's Christian Union, $.'

Gathers Vxd 055c Manual Dexterity 1

000; Mass.Homeseopathic Hospital, income to be usedfor the maintenance of free beds, $3000;Children's Mission, for the care of the chil-dren of the Destitute, $3000; American Uni-tarian Association, $3000; Home for AgedCouples, $3000; Home for Aged Men, $3000;i Home for Aged Women, $3000; Massachu-; setts Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary,; $3000; Perkins Institution for the Blind, $3000; Needle Woman's Friend Society,i $3000— a total of $42,000. The will furtherprovides that if there be not enoush prop-erty to pay the legacies named in full, thenthey are to be paid pro rata.,A$$$€ of the school,including the kindergarten, will be seen inliterary and musical exercises. Among thechildren whose progress is watched withdelight is Tommy Stringer. He haa out-grcwn the kindergarten, but his attain-ments in that work are noteworthy andhis skill in the use Of tools is remarkable.The development and training of the sensof touch in blind children will be shownin, the delicate handling of leaves and flow-ers, and the exercise in botany by a classof girls, including Elizabeth Robin, prom-ises to be a rare treat.


Gov Wolcott willbe present, Rev Howard N. Brown willspeak on the work of the kindergarten,and the graduates of the school will receivetheir diplomas at the hand of Dr SamuelEliot.his explanation of it. This part of theprogram will be brought to a close by anaddress on the 'Work of the Kinder-garten,' which is to be made by Rev. Brown.The exercises by the pupils of the schoolproper will consist of musical productionsgiven by the band and chorus singing; ed-ucational gymnastics, military drill; ex-periments in chemistry by a class of boys,and an exercise in botany by a class ofgirls of which Elizabeth Robin is a regu-lar member.Gov. Wolcott is to be present on thisoccasion, and Dr.

Gathers Vxd 055c Manual Dexterity Free

Gathers Vxd 055c Manual Dexterity

Samuel Eliot will speakto the graduates and present the mem-bers of the class their diplomas.The exerteises are to be held in BostonTheatre on Tuesday, June 1, at 3 P. M.,and tickets of admission may be had byapplying to M.

(C)JDP All rights reserved.Award-winning item Car-Mount HDD NAVIGATION SYSTEM/DVD VIDEO/CD TUNER COMPO Gathers VXH-059CV/VXD-059MC/VXD-059CV/VXD-059CE Domain/Category Product Design - Passenger vehicles and related goods and devices CompanyAward Number 04A07029 Outline of Good Design Award winners Outline. The shown information is the one as of the awarded date and might has been changed.

ProducerKuniaki yanagiuchi TochigiR&D Director,Honda Access Corp.+Takashi Nagamitsu Division General Manager,Products Group,Fujitsu Ten Limited DirectorYasuyuki Ooya Design Dept Manager,Honda Access Corp.+Takashi Ohta MM Design Manager,Products Planning Dept,Products Group,Fujitsu Ten Limited DesignerHiroshi Nara Design Dept,Honda Access Corp.+Takaho Okada,Tetsuaki Aono MM Design Manager,Products Planning Dept,Products Group,Fujitsu Ten Limited More informationDate of Release 2004/6 List of relative works.